Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mother Connie Sez: On Being Healthy in Prison

Earlier this week it was my great pleasure to speak to a group of incarcerated men who were eager to hear about being as well as possible under less than ideal conditions.  The presentation covered the use of color as a way of being more comfortable; we discussed Homeopathy at some length.  The men were delighted to learn all they could and asked questions that indicated to their presenter that they were GETTING the whole concept of Energy Medicine.  Of course, that delighted your humble blogger's heart.

They paid strict attention and made copious notes on their handouts when the topic of The Healing Codes was covered.  Those who attend the 7th Step Club meeting were eager to report their amazing results.  I got the feeling that while they were initially skeptical, they were game to make the effort to see how it might work for them.  Guys enthusiastically told me they helped ease headaches, induced sleep, ameliorated discomfort and diminished stress.  They were pleased to make these reports; it was exhilarating to have them put their new found lessons into practice and experience such immediate and wonderful results!

Some of these fellows have relationships to repair.  They may have some forgiving to do. It's possible they need to ask for forgiveness.  Their bodies may ache as much as their hearts and minds.  They all yearn for peace and joyThe Healing Codes can help them greatly in this regard, for the HEART is the image maker-it sends pictures to the BRAIN.  When the pictures-truth with love-are recognized in our lives we can achieve peace and joy.   Even people who are denied freedom in society can improve the quality of their lives by performing the simple protocol of Energy Medicine as practiced with The Healing Codes!

Do YOU have a relationship that could use improvement?  Do YOU have some forgiveness issues in YOUR life?  Does YOUR body feel the way YOU would like it to feel?  What pictures does YOUR brain hold?  Truths?  Lies?  Maybe YOU could benefit from this simple protocol.  This is where you click to get more information.

Please is very short!
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1 comment:

  1. My son was in that group. Thank you for sharing information that helps these people. I am glad you can go to the prison.



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