Friday, October 15, 2010

Mother Connie Sez: The Healing Codes Really Heal!

It's raining leaves in our yard today.  The sun is brilliant, the air is warm and still and it is the sort of fall day in which a person just luxuriates!

There was lavender tea in the hot pot so I poured some into my bright red cup that says, "Healthy Coffee" and carried it to the front yard.  I settled in to my favorite lawn chair, watched the squirrels scamper up and down the maple trees and scold me for being there.  Several ladybugs flew to greet me and a number of automobiles drove by.  The drivers all waved hello.  The sun warmed me and I felt utter peace and total joy.

As I do each day, several times a day, I performed The Healing Codes in the comfort of my own surroundings.  I'm really "pouring on the coals" now, for I have an appointment to see the cardiologist next week and he will be so unhappy when he finds out Mother Connie has rejected his pills in favor of more magnesium, more baking soda, more sleep, and even more of The Healing Codes!

The Normanator joined me for tea and conversation.  It's precious, ordinary times like these we will cherish more and more as we age, so I lingered in the sunshine until he drove away to the auto parts store.

I had barely gone into the house when the doorbell rang.  An energetic, handsome young salesman came to peddle his wares.  I cheerfully declined.  And then, for whatever reason-maybe he thinks I look old and feeble?-he launched into a speech about his mother.  He told me that his mother had been seriously ill but used a protocol called THE HEALING CODES and over time, her ailment disappeared!  He was so thrilled and grateful that he had tears in his eyes.  He simply wanted to share the great news! 
I had not requested this testimonial; the Universe just saw fit to make sure I knew I am following the correct path. 

If you ever had doubts about The Healing Codes, you really should look into them NOW.  Especially if you or someone you love is not in the pink of health, has relationship issues, or lives without joy, peace, truth, and love at the core of their being.  CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

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