Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mother Connie Sez: Are Chia Seeds New Superfoods?

Mother Connie is JUST CRAZY about chia seeds and it's all Renita's fault!

Renita found this great "Chia Pudding" recipe and was gracious to prepare it for a little cooking class I did once.
When Nancy found out about this pudding she went nuts over them, too, and we all think Chia Pudding is the cat's meow.  But we have learned that those things will jazz up any food, any meal, any scenario we could create.

So don't blame ME if you fall in love with the silly things, too.  Renita and Nancy should share some responsibility, too.  GRIN  After all, these tiny little powerhouses are not just for chia pets and gift giving any more!

When our supply had run out, it was a kitchen crisis.  Acquiring more necessitated a shopping trip to Lincoln and our favorite health food store, Akin's.  

SIDEBAR:  I get nothing for sending you there.  It is an educational and delightful experience you owe yourself if you are within driving distance to get there! END SIDEBAR.

I could never work at Akin's...if I did that, I'd never carry home a paycheck.  That would not be all bad; we'd really be healthy.  Normally, I breeze into this store, make my choices and hurry out, lest I spend our savings.  

Yesterday was a little different.  One of the friendly young women working there asked if I could find everything.  I indicated that I was looking for chia seeds so she showed me the way.  The store is loaded with every healthy option known to mankind, including fresh produce and baked goods, so I just marched through as if I were wearing blinders, so as not to be tempted.

The little black beauties were not on the shelf.  There were rows of jars containing white chia seeds and the clerk explained those were more nutritious anyway.  Then she went on to tell me all the ways she uses the superfood wonders:  in smoothies, in baked goods, on cereal, salad, in pudding...

This knowledgeable and affable young lady is YOUNG.  I mean YOUNG as in 20-something.  I was paying close attention, wondering what her back story is.

She continued...her 6 year old son has never eaten white bread and did not know what Kool Aid was until recently.  He attended a birthday party and when the refreshments were served, his hostess asked him if he'd like a glass of Kool Aid.  He asked his mom what that was.  She offered to let him find out, if he wanted.  So he tried it.  But the chemical taste made him reject it immediately.

This same little 6 year old, who is obviously going to be way ahead of the curve in many respects, was invited to dinner at the home of a classmate.  When he came home he reported to his mother, 'Their bread was WHITE, Mom!'

I was sure this child had not been subjected to vaccines.

Au contraire...seems the family had put up such a fuss that she had caved in, against her better judgment but she had done the deed on HER terms.  She was delighted to learn that the bad effects of vaccines can be negated by simply writing-with your finger as an imaginary crayon-on the injection area before and after this Homeopathic remedy:

In addition to the chia seeds, I could not resist the temptation to get some salad sprouts.  I have them in a jar on the kitchen window until they are ready for our salad bowls.  I have the dressing made and ready for the Big Event.  YUM.

By now you are well aware that Mother Connie preaches loud and long about eating well and wisely.  Well, that can really be fun, don't you know...especially with these delightful chia seeds.  They will soak up nine times their own weight with whatever liquid they are soaked in.  That might be water or fruit juice; it could be coconut milk.  It might be your choice for healthy baked goods.  In any case, you are going to FEEL the effects on your energy level.

I double dog dare ya to try them!

When you prepare chia pudding just use 2 cups of almond milk, coconut milk or fruit juice.  Add 1/2 cup of chia seeds into that and stir.  1/3 cup of honey will sweeten the milk just right.   Add a dash of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of vanilla and you have one delectable dessert.  After it sits in the fridge it will thicken and take on the look of tapioca pudding or gelatin.  I promise you will love the flavor and the results it will yield in terms of Get-Up-And-Go PowerIt's a great breakfast, snack or yummy for any time of day.  And you can custom flavor it to suit your taste!

Please return to let us know how great you think the chia seeds and chia pudding are.   Oh, and if you do make it into Akins or visit them online, tell them Mother Connie sent you, won't you please?  Thanks oodles, guys and gals.  

The FTC wants you to know there are links in this post.  Should they be clicked, resulting in sales, your humble blogger would be fairly compensated.  Please do your due diligence when conducting affairs online or offline.  Always do business with those you trust implicitly.


  1. I love bringing new things to you. I always get my name in print. LOL
    I just hope now I don't recommend anything you don't like, Oh me Oh my!
    I hope people do take your recommendation and try them we put them on our toast in the morning with jelly also. So many ways of using them.
    That is so good to hear a young mother starting out the nutritious way with her young family. Less obstacles to overcome that way.
    Great post keep up the great work.


  2. Renita, you have not steered us wrong yet! Toast n jelly with chia seeds. How nifty an idea is THAT?

    We ate salad this noon, topped with flax seeds and chia seeds. We never have "I-need-a-snack" issues any more because that good protein helps to support our blood sugar.

    If you have not visited Food Stamps Cooking Club-http://foodstampscookingclub.com/blog- lately, you'll like all the apple recipes there...and those would be great under chia seeds.

    D'ya think they are addictive, Renita? grin

    Mother Connie


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