Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mother Connie Sez: Eat Your Sprouts, Little Sprouts!

We have discussed sprouts at some length.  Leanne Ely, The Dinner Diva, who is responsible for Saving Dinner, has this to say about that:

"Sprouts are fabulously easy to grow, you don't need special equipment and they grow year round.

Here's how

Use wide mouth glass canning jars, available at many hardware stores. You will need screen lids; either cut pieces of different (plastic) mesh screens, or buy some of the special plastic screen lids designed for sprouting (usually available in health food stores or even hardware stores).

Sprouting is easy: just put the seed in a jar, add the soak water and put the lid on. When the soak is over, invert jar and drain the water, then rinse again. Prop the jar up at a 45 degree angle so the water will drain (or your seeds will continue to soak). 
Keep your seeds out of direct sunlight. Rinse seed in the jar 2-3 times per day until ready, always keeping it angled for drainage.

Avocado Yumwich
Serves One

2 slices whole wheat bread (or use a whole grain wrap bread)
1/4 avocado
1/2 ounce low fat cream cheese
1 slice tomato
Sprouts piled high (your choice, but I LOVE radish sprouts on this!)

Put together and eat. How's that for cinchy instructions?  For gooooood eatin', slice onions up and saute till brown. When they're still working on their tans, add a little barbeque sauce and add that to your yumwich. Eat with wild abandon. 

Per serving: 279 Calories; 13g Fat; 9g Protein; 36g Carbohydrate; 7g Dietary Fiber; 8mg Cholesterol; 410mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 1 1/2 Grain(Starch); 1 Vegetable; 2 1/2 Fat.
Copyright (C) 2010 Leanne Ely, CNC All rights reserved"
Oh, my stars and garters, kids!  This is making Mother Connie hungry.  Again.  And just think of all the great things you could do with that left over tomato and the avocado that did not make it into the sammie!  WOOHOO!  I am thinking of mashed avocado with a touch of onion, a dab of lemon spread over toast for breakfast, paired up with a smoothie full of yogurt, chia seeds, and fruit.  
Dear me, I'm beginning to salivate and it's nowhere near mealtime!
Seriously, now, kids, if we all were to eat well and wisely as The Dinner Diva shows us we might have less need for The Healing Codes.  
Come to think of it, if YOU are having health issues, you are not satisfied with your relationships or you feel that you do not have the abundance you yearn for you would benefit from learning more about The Healing Codes.  Their whole deal is that you should live your life in truth and love, not fear and untruths.  Sound simple?  IT IS.  Check it out by clicking here:  The Healing Codes.
For more good eats, click here: Saving Dinner   
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