Monday, January 25, 2010

All Work and No Play?

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.."

On that premise and with our good friends, Bill and Velda, we set off for an Art Show on Friday evening. It was the kind of fun Norm and I enjoy most: good friends; good food; good entertainment. The atmosphere was wholesome, refreshing and utterly delightful.

Bill and Velda's kids are remarkable, so it naturally follows that their children and grandchildren would be remarkable. Their son, Rod, is a consummate musician. He is also a terrific husband and father. He is loaded with great and creative ideas. Rod demonstrated his creative traits by instigating Friday's event.

There are a number of local artists everywhere. Rod's innovative notion is to showcase a few of them at a time in a setting where they could be enjoyed over coffee and in the company of friends. Rod's own church makes the ideal location for such a program. It is perfectly set up with lighting and a sound system; there is also enough room for round tables, making for an intimate setting.

Upon entering the building, we were treated to a display of work from media artists, Nicholas Pella. His work is impressive and colorful and, as you might imagine, unique. As people inspected and enjoyed the display, everyone seemed to be imagining where in their own homes these paintings could be hung. There was even a portfolio to browse.

A cover charge to pay for the evening's heat was assessed upon our arrival at the room housing the event. Gourmet coffees and tea were sold throughout the evening, as were the artists' wares. We settled ourselves at a table in the middle of the room. Each table had a mason jar with a tea light and scattered about the tabletop was sheet music and artist's business cards.

First up on the program was a charming young married couple from the host church, who shared their musical talent and a bit of themselves by performing in the Christian music genre. As they sang I wondered why "America's Got Talent" or "American Idol" has not picked up this duo.

The MC told us about the plan to feature monologues...they opted to call that part of the program "Log Jams."

A darling young woman, a local member of Rod's church, gave us her "Log Jam" as a reading portraying a school girl and we giggled throughout.

There was an impressive poetic recitation, replete with props and costuming. The actor, Galen Boltz, has enjoyed a brilliant career as a school administrator in this area. He brought down the house with his rendition of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven!" I watched a little boy who was totally transfixed by Mr. Boltz's performance. I got the distinct impression that five year old's life was changed in those moments.

After an intermission we were treated to a performance of original music of home-town-boy-makes-good, Daniel Christian. This kid is something special, all right. You can see for yourself because I've posted one of his videos, including his charming patter for your enjoyment. He has an extensive body of work on YouTube and on his website. Here's hoping you music lovers will scout out those sites. Incidentally, where are the talent scouts from all the TV talent shows when this guy is performing? He really should be showcased on an international stage! Saturday Night Live, are you listening?

Rod dubbed his program "Here and Now" because he thinks people race through life. He thinks we need to kick back, relax, enjoy what's happening NOW.

At the risk of sounding redundant, Mother Connie agrees with importance of staying focused on the present. If you have hung around this blog any length of time you know she's mentioned how today is a gift.

I have no vested interest in Nicolas Pella's art work. Nor do I have a vested intereste in Daniel Christian's music. But I surely do hope you who are into wonderful works of art and wholesome music buy their wares. It will keep you in the Here and Now.

So far as The Healing Codes are concerned? Yes, I have a vested interest there. You can read the disclaimer the FTC likes for us to include. It appears at the bottom of every post Mother Connie writes. They, too, will help you with the Here and Now.

Connie Baum
The FTC wants you to know there are links in this post. Should they be clicked, resulting in a sale, your humble blogger would be fairly compensated. Always do your due diligence when conducting commerce online or offline. Do business only with those vendors you trust implicitly.

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