Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mothers and their Dishes

If it weren't for our parents, we could not set the table! In fact, the table itself was owned by The Fred Baums and it stretches out like no other table I have ever had the pleasure to use!

The only tablecloth large enough to cover the table's great girth is one that Norm's mother had! You can see it in this photo, along with his mother's glassware that looks so pretty in our china cabinet. The china we use for special occasions is the same china my mother purchased at Omaha Crockery Company in the 1950's. I was bored with that shopping trip at the time; now I revel at every opportunity to bring those pieces out of the display case and onto the grand dining table!

Our table was set for 10 people on Sunday to celebrate a luncheon with the families of our church's newly formed Youth Group. Isaac had requested vegetable beef soup so that's what we had. The only problem with that menu item? The hostess served it over toasted French Bread. WHAT WAS I THINKING? The guests were kind enough to bring salad, rolls, desserts and great conversation to the table.

Sadly, we were missing one of our own-she was feeling puny that day-but it was a great way for your humble blogger to mark one more 33rd birthday.

The day was fraught with truth and love. And laughter, mixed with great memories.

Come to think of it, there was no official birthday cake. Thank GOODNESS. I would have just eaten it and I might get to be as wide as that antique table. That would not make for a another comfortable 33rd year...again.

The kind of special day we had on this occasion does not lend itself for the need for alternative healing or energy medicine or therapy.

No wonder I love my life!

Connie Baum


  1. My mom's crystal and china has been packed away the last three years. I think it's about time to unpack it and set a beautiful table for Thanksgiving.

  2. Oh, GOODY! I love dishes...maybe you will favor us with a photo on your blog? I hope, I hope.

    One of my best Sunday afternoons was spent in the home of a lady from our church. She had a house FULL of antiques and set after set of antique dishes. We took everything out and she told me the back story of each piece! I was in hog heaven.

    Also, Michele, you MUST come for a tea party! Bring your teddy bear, if you like.

    Mother Connie


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