Monday, May 18, 2009

Would YOU like to Save Money on YOUR Dental Bills?

Mother Connie has ranted and raved and stood on her soapbox for a very long time now about how to care for your body. You know the drill, so I'll spare you the details. But honestly, my pals keep me in the loop about the newest and most exciting products to enhance your health.

Here's how it happened: Renita came to help us move into a different house. She spent the night and of course, she brought her toothbrush. She opened her hand and on her palm were these little "things" she called Tooth Soap. I had never heard of such a thing. She grinned and offered to share.

WOW! It was an experience, using soap to clean my teeth. We giggled about it and she left me a sample to use. Then we moved on to the madness of moving.

I found later out that others knew about this stuff, too! SIDEBAR: How come I seem to be the last one to learn about this? I'm supposed to lead the way when it comes to fun and this Tooth Soap is about as much fun as, well, discovering any new product! END SIDEBAR.

This is what Shelley had to say about it:

"I started using Tooth Soap a year ago and I LOVE IT!!! At that time I noticed that it only took one week to wash away the tartar and calculus buildup that I had on many of my teeth. (It had been three years since I had the money for a dental appointment.) I also noticed that my mouth did not feel "fuzzy" after sleeping. Interestingly enough, the number of colds that my children and I caught also diminished. Maybe washing our mouths is as importaant as washing our hands in stopping the spread of germs? We recently tried the new liquid tooth soap and are even happier than ever!"

Now, boys and girls, this does not absolve you of your responsibility to drink your water, eat your vegetables and whole foods, move your body and get enough sleep. But you'll be brushing your teeth, anyway, and your dentist will be no doubt be proud of the results you'll be getting with Tooth Soap . The good folks who bring you this revolutionary new way to clean your teeth make no claims. After all, they are not medical experts.

Here is their disclaimer: 'These testimonials do not imply that similar results will happen with your use of our products. We have no competent or scientific evidence to suggest that the testimonialist's experience is due to the use of our products. These testimonials are not intended to recommend any supplement as a drug, as a diagnosis for specific illnesses or conditions, nor as a product to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications. We make no medical claims to the benefits of any of our products to improve medical conditions.'

That said, I still maintain Tooth Soap is fun. Maybe you should at least check it out?

Tooth Soap

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