Shea butter is Mother Connie's emollient of choice for massage work.
You aren't likely to think about massage work as often as your humble blogger does. Even though retirement came along, the things learned over three decades of body work do not fade into oblivion.
As you know, the internet has replaced massage work for this kid. Social Networking led me to
Boat hit the Hot Button! Shea Butter is the ultimate in body care. It comes from Africa, where it is extracted from the Shea nut. It has traditionally come from West Africa but some is coming now from East Africa.
My friend, Boat, who lives in Ghana, has written to me about this product. He is in hopes that people will learn about its benefits and get as excited about Shea butter as the two of us! Here is part of his message to me about Shea butter:
Women of Ghana spend comparable monies as other societies on
Compare the price of a kilo of Shea Butter in Accra against the price of an imported jar of
Put the required amount of Shea Butter and medicine bag of petals into a large clear glass jar with a lid, leave it in direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks. Every evening open the jar to test the strength of the scent. If need be, add some more petals.
From this humble beginning you could possibly go on to achieve a cottage industry with a Product designed on the uniqueness out of the garden of Ghana. Please let Mother Connie know about your successes so she can let me know how you enjoy using Shea butter! Just leave your comments in the comment box below this post, where it says "comments"."
Boat was so gracious as to send a list of Shea butter's benefits. We will continue our discussion on this topic by revealing those in the next post! Do stay tuned!
Connie Baum
PS/Using Shea butter on your body and ToothSoap on your pearly whites will be the ULTIMATE in body care!
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Grandma, You have done a great job. I hope people contact us for purchase for shea butter
ReplyDeleteLet's hope things go well for the good people of Ghana, with their wonderful body care products.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you stopped by! Please come by any time. We welcome your comments and opinions.
We have more quantities of shea butter and we can supply as many as you want from us..