Friday, December 10, 2010

Mother Connie Sez: Have YOU Cracked The Code?

Every so often a person needs a day off.  Call it a mental health day; call it a personal day; name it whatever you like.  Mother Connie gave herself permission this week to take the whole day and use it as she pleased.  It was a "leave-your-jammies-on-and-eat-whatever-you-like-whenever-you-like" kind of day.  In this household, especially so close to Christmas, that is indeed a rare event!

The entire day was spent poring over and devouring the new book I received from a very close friend.  "The Healing Code" by Alex Loyd, M.D. and Dr. Ben Johnson.  

Energy Medicine and  The Healing Codes  have been a big part of my life, and the lives of those close to me, for some time now.  It's been fascinating  from the get-go and I have seen first hand the results that can be produced without toxic treatment or medication.  I did not really anticipate any great revelation to come from reading this latest offering; I simply wanted to immerse myself in the philosophy because it feels all warm and safe and cozy--like putting on warm slippers and a soft, fluffy robe when you get up on a cold winter morning!

The book did not disappoint.  There were many concrete examples woven through the entire volume that helped to cement my understanding of how and why the codes work.  They just DO.  The body, as I have mentioned in previous posts, knows how to heal itself.  There is no deficiency of psychotropic drug in a body that's unwell.  There is no lack of antibiotic.  There is no low count of joint compound.  No!  REALLY!  There IS, however, a plethora of untruths, incorrect perceptions, false notions and wild imaginings that have no basis in fact.  When these falsehoods are removed, lovingly, and in truth, the body can do what our Creator has designed it to do:  Be whole, healthy and happy!  How great is THAT?

Do YOU feel as well as you'd like to feel or could you use a burst of energy?  Is YOUR LIFE satisfying to you or do you yearn for more in terms of relationships?  Do YOU feel you are achieving what you set out to do or are you wishing things could be betterAre YOU depressed or do you feel joy in every day? Maybe it's time for you to take a serious look at Energy Medicine.

Mother Connie is giving YOU permission-just as she gave herself permission to take a day off-to visit the links offered throughout this post.  Check out the book, the website, the wonderful success stories of lives that have been healed by cracking the code.

Please.  You know you deserve it.

The FTC wants you to know there are links in this post.  Should they be clicked, resulting in sales, your humble blogger would be fairly compensated.  Please do your due diligence when conducting affairs online or offline.  Always do business with those you trust implicitly.


  1. You never fail to provide the best info around kiddo.

  2. Thank you, Bodacious One. Since I am completely passionate about health and healing it's easy to share info about The Healing Codes.

    Besides, I am passionate about people and you are one of the people who rewards that passion with your comments. Keep em comin', my good friend!

    Mother Connie


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