Sunday, July 18, 2010

Too Rich or Too Well?

If you have ever had a serious illness, you understand completely what a harrowing experience it is.  For those of you who played the role of caretaker, God bless you my children; you are Angels!

The long road to health and recovery from a time of being way under par is uphill and bumpy.  It literally takes a committee to coax the body into vibrant, radiant good health.

In the case of Mother Connie's comeback, there was more than a committee; there was a network of prayer warriors, telephone callers, cooks, bearers of gifts and messages.  Friends, family and neighbors showed up with complete meals, potted plants, cards and cakes of soap!  There was also The Normanator, who simultaneously played the roles of Husband, Father, Paper Carrier and Caretaker; He was also Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.  He did every job brilliantly and  with great aplomb.

SIDEBAR:  A likeness of The Normanator belongs in a Hall of  Fame somewhere.  Seriously.  END SIDEBAR.

Some of this generous network bore gifts meant to promote healing.  They all were aware, as no doubt you visitors are, that The Healing Codes were used abundantly.  I'd like to share some of the other things that were presented to me.  Yes, these are commercials designed for you to investigate their worth TO YOU.  If sales are made the website owners will benefit AND SO WILL YOU.  Mother Connie is only the messenger.  No shekels for her today.

My good friend, Renita, brought me an interesting powder that purports to help the body to heal on a cellular level.  Her product was new to me but this concept worked for me as I understand that the body heals itself from the inside out; I was most eager to use it.  Now, I must warn you that it tastes AWFUL but that is inconsequential, considering the stunning results that were provided me after only a few days of using the stuff!   PLEASE check it out:  Renita's PXP Product

When my friend, Kathy, came all the way to Nebraska from Tennessee, she bore healthy coffee and mangosteen juice.  I was familiar with these products; I was tickled pink to have Mocha coffee and fruit puree to begin my days!  PLEASE check out the benefits of  Kathy's Coffee and Kathy's Juice.  There is no way of predicting how much better you'll feel or how fast.  Be prepared to be delighted!
May you never know what you might prevent if you use Renita's powder and Kathy's beverages.
Mother Connie has long advocated the use of pure water and lots of it; she has loudly proclaimed the virtues of eating well and wisely by using whole foods and whole foods supplements.  She is adamant about getting adequate rest and movement and it's a darned good thing, too!  Were it not for this health conscious lifestyle her illness and recovery may have looked very different.

Mother Connie went from napping and channel surfing from her nest on the couch, hurting and hobbling around like a crippled old hag, wondering if her get up and go had left permanently, never to return  to feeling vital, vibrant and WELL.   The lifestyle she had lived went on as usual; only the powder and beverages were added in.  The results were freedom from pain, mental clarity, energy to burn and a radiant, exuberant feeling of well being.  

There is no doubt that all the aforementioned products, protocols and peeps played a pivotal role in the miraculous recovery.  Thank you, God.
Mother Connie plans to continue incorporating these new items.   You can't be too rich or too healthy, isn't that so?

Connie Baum
The FTC wants you to know there are links in this post.  Should those links be clicked and sales result, your humble blogger would be fairly compensated.  Please do your due diligence when conducting affairs online or offline.  Do business only with those you trust implicitly.


  1. Connie,

    You are so right about the body heals its self from the inside out. If our cells are unhealthy the whole body is going to be unhealthy, so if we can get some nutrients into those cells, whether it be the heart cells, the cells of the lungs or any of the other sick cells they are going to start functioning with the precision of a fine tuned machine and the body can start the healing process. Our bodies are miraculous machines and if we feed them the right foods they can do the work on their own of healing.

    I feel with all the good stuff you had been doing for the majority of your life and then adding the extra goodies on top that Kathy & I provided for you your body was able to say "Now we have the rest of the components we need to fight this and give this gal back her life."

    I am so glad I was able to be of service to you with my prayers as well as the PXP. So glad to have the 'ole' Connie back.

    Love you even more,


    P.S. We like the taste! LOL

  2. Oh, Renita. Who knew how our lives would intersect after high school and we would become such dear friends? We have gone through thick and thin; I have a feeling the best is yet to come.

    Thank you again for your generosity and kindness. Thank you for being my friend.

    Golly, Renita, I would love you even if the PXP tasted good! grin/giggle

    Thanks for the comment, too; I hope lotsa peeps visit your site and get familiar with the PXP so they, too, can appreciate the glorious good health that is now mine.

    Mother Connie
    PS/You and Jerry come put your toes under our table SOON, won't you?

  3. I'm so relieved that you're finally, finally feeling better. I thought I was going to have to make a trip up there and wear my Nurse Ratched getup and scare you into wellness.

  4. You know, Boomer dear, I was remiss in my list of all the contributions to my wellness. I really should have mentioned how laughing long and hard over your delightful and bodacious blog posts cheered me and helped nurture my very soul!

    But I surely am glad I avoided your Nurse Ratchet getup. That IS a scary thought!

    I love you.

    Mother Connie

  5. I'm available for any shift you need me kiddo!

  6. Hey, you BODACIOUS BOOMER! Bring your good humor any time you are in this neck of the woods! When you show up it will be a party!

    Mother Connie

  7. It is so good to have you back in action...a day without Mother Connie is a sad day indeed! Welcome back!!!

  8. Thank you, Rainy. It feels good to be back at all; I'm gearing up for 100% and grateful to be able to climb up on that soapbox again!

    I deeply appreciate your coming by and leaving a message.

    Mother Connie


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