Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy UN-Thanksgiving?

One of our houseguests greeted us today, the day following the holiday, with "Happy Un-Thanksgiving!" and it set me to thinking...

Perhaps the fun and comfort of being around family made our guest yearn for more of that FEELING of the special holiday. Maybe it was not so much the traditional fare of turkey and pumpkin pie as it was the warm and cozy feelings of connecting around a dinner table with aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings. The conversation, the laughter, the ambiance of a good experience like that is very impressive to our sensibilities-no matter our age.

Family customs, family activities all work to program our hearts. As human beings, we all seek pleasure and avoid pain. When we gather for a meal on Thanksgiving Day we make memories and those memories are stored in our image makers (hearts) until the pictures are seen and recalled by the brain as memories.

Here's hoping our children have had the kinds of experiences surrounding holidays and every day to program their lives to be filled with love, peace and joy. The more good experiences that are provided , the better able they will be to create holiday memories for their families. That will make the whole world a better place.

The energy of love and loving memories is very powerful, extremely comforting and exceedingly healing.

For more information about the healing power of energy and energy medicine you might like to visit The Healing Codes .

Connie Baum

1 comment:

  1. It is great that your guest wanted to continue absorbing the good will that they found in you and your family's presence. In a world that is filled with anger, sadness, lack of trust, fear and hate...when you find a safe, warm, loving and nurturing just want to dwell there forever.

    We must remember that not everyone is blessed with good, strong, healthy family and friends who know how to give and receive, love, acceptance, respect and is our duty to spread it when we have been blessed with an abudance of it. Healing and love go hand- in- hand in a world that often seems upside down! Keep up the good work Connie.


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